Trees outside forests have so far been the most underestimated type of green infrastructure in the European Union.


31 July

The European Union recognizes the avenues – finally!

Trees outside forests have so far been the most underestimated type of green infrastructure in the European Union.

This is what has changed thanks to the efforts of FER. One of the main goals of the LIFE “Trees for Europe’s Green Infrastructure” project carried out with the Eco-Initiative and BUND MV was to develop a significant position in EU regulations for avenues and other trees.

The recently published EU Forestry Strategy included an appendix on the initiative to plant 3 billion new trees (“The 3 Billion Tree Planting Pledge For 2030”). On page 43, section 3.3.5. Trees along infrastructures stipulates that that trees can be integrated with transport and energy infrastructure, roads, railways and canal banks.